It only seems appropriate that this East Coast gal should use a covered bridge for this topic. Jenne Farm is one of the most photographed places in Vermont, off a country road, in the area of Woodstock, Vermont. Prior to the digital age of photography, I photographed this farm in the early morning dew. My photos are lost, but these, courtesy of the web, hopefully demonstrate my point. I believe these shots are synonymous with "bucolic". Hope you enjoy!
Entry: bu·col·ic
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin bucolicus, from Greek boukolikos, from boukolos cowherd, from bous head of cattle + -kolos (akin to Latin colere to cultivate) — more at cow, wheel
Date: circa 1609
1 : of or relating to shepherds or herdsmen : pastoral
2 a : relating to or typical of rural life b : idyllic