Friday, June 25, 2010

PhotoHunt: Purple

The Cape Hydrangeas - the intensity of the color is determined by the acidity of the soil. This bush was planted along side a church which was across from the ocean. I'm not sure if it's just folklore, but the hydrangea heads on bushes near salt water seems to be more vibrant. Maybe the salt air - salt in the soil contributes to its hue too?

Have not spent much time learning the functions of this new mac so I will be posting when I become a bit more proficient. Hope you are all enjoying your summer.


Trekcapri said...

Hi Flygirl, that is a beautiful photo and a wonderful choice for this week's theme. Interesting to learn about the effects of the salt air.

Congrats on your new mac. Have a great weekend.

Annie said...

How beautiful. Most of the hydrangeas here are blue. Love seeing them in purple. Hope you're having a great summer too!

Marta said...

I love how the flowers are half in bloom and half still in bud. They are a great shade. I like how you composed it.

girasoli said...

Beautiful photo. Hydrangeas are so cool! Nice choice for the theme.

Congrats on your Mac. Once you get the hang of it, you will never go back.

I am so thrilled to know that Doc will be back another year. Makes losing a little easier now. And how about those Sox! Even though we are dropping like flies, there is no giving up. 1 game back!!! Wooo Hooo!!!